
Islam, they do have an agenda

Quotations. By their own words, they condemn their religion as intolerant, un-loving and bigoted. The world needs to prepare for the "new crusades"~~Islam's goal IS world DOMINATION.

Location: United States

Favorite composer: Debussy; Favorite artist: Monet; Favorite old author: Charles Dickens

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Burning of France

from Agape Press

...The French ambassador to the United States says the violence that swept predominantly Muslim communities in some 300 cities and towns in France for three weeks "was not about the role of Islam in France." Jean-David Levitte told a forum in Washington that there is no evidence religion played either a direct or indirect role. He said mostly teenagers had acted out of social and economic hardship and that while jihadists are recruiting teenagers, it had nothing to do with the general unrest in those neighborhoods. An official of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, which along with the Council on American-Islamic relations sponsored the forum, said while "we agree that this is not a religious conflict," al-Qaida and other groups can exploit these people if their social and political situations are not improved.

Gee, can we say:


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Friday, November 18, 2005

The Difference Between Hamas and Israel

from: Agape Press
by Bill Fancher

...A Middle East analyst says recent killings in the region have demonstrated the difference in Hamas and Israel.

Palestinians are enraged over the recent killing of a Hamas leader by the Israeli military. That killing came after another series of homicide bombings in Israel. Commentator and talk-show host Don Feder says there is a huge distinction between the incidents -- a distinction he says the Palestinians refuse to acknowledge.

Feder says the Palestinians play a "moral equivalency game" in which they justify their actions with statements like: "Well, we murdered a few children, and then you had the audacity to kill the man who was responsible for murdering the children."

Feder is hopeful that more and more people will begin to see the difference. "Israel hits military targets; Hamas hits civilian targets," he says. Explaining further, he adds that one is self-defense while the other is terrorism.

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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Where are the conservative Muslims?

Read the SUPERB full article here: IFCJ
Five questions non-Muslims would like answered
Sunday, November 13, 2005
By: Dennis Prager
{Conservative~by~nature's comments are enclosed in parentheses.}

The latest events prompt sincere questions that law-abiding Muslims need to answer for Islam's sake, as well as for the sake of worried non-Muslims.

1) Why are you so quiet?

There are a billion Muslims in the world. How is it possible that essentially none have demonstrated against evils perpetrated by Muslims in the name of Islam? {Demonstrating against the murder of Muslims by Muslims doesn't count...when you demonstrate against Muslim atrocities against Israelis or Christians, then we'll believe you are truly horrified by these extremists.}

2) Why are none of the Palestinian terrorists Christian?

{Christianity IS a religion of peace and love. Islam? I don't think so....}
If Israeli occupation is the reason for Muslim terror in Israel, why do no Christian Palestinians engage in terror? They are just as nationalistic and just as occupied as Muslim Palestinians.

3) Why is only one of the 47 Muslim-majority countries a free country?

Muslim-majority states account for a majority of the world's "not free" states. And of the 10 "worst of the worst," seven are Islamic states. Why is this?

4) Why are so many atrocities committed and threatened by Muslims in the name of Islam?

Russian schoolchildren murdered; Indonesia Christian children beheaded and shot in the face; slaugter of foreign workers trying to free "Iraq"; Iran calling for the extermination of Israel.

5) Why do countries governed by religious Muslims persecute other religions?

{These are fair questions. Conservative Muslims need to address them~~if they want to convince the rest of the world that terrorism in Allah's name is an aberration. Because right now, it does not appear to be an aberration. It appears to be the accepted norm.}

Instead of confronting these problems, too many of you deny them. Muslims call my radio show to tell me that even speaking of Muslim or Islamic terrorists is wrong. After all, they argue, Timothy McVeigh is never labeled a "Christian terrorist." As if McVeigh committed his terror as a churchgoing Christian and in the name of Christ, and as if there were Christian-based terror groups around the world.

Hundreds of millions of non-Muslims want honest answers to these questions, even if the only answer you offer is, "Yes, we have real problems in Islam." Such an acknowledgment is infinitely better — for you and for the world — than dismissing us as anti-Muslim.

We await your response.

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Friday, November 11, 2005

Islam through "Condi-colored" glasses

from Agape Press
by Rev. Mark H. Creech
[Part of Rev. Creech's article will be enclosed in "quote marks"] {whereas, conservative~by~nature's 'asides' will be enclosed in parentheses}

Once again OUR Secretary of State Condaleeza Rice has referred to Islam as the religion of "peace and love."

Don Feder has stated that "wherever large numbers of Muslims come in contact with 'infidels,' all jihad breaks loose." {Ask Paris about that...disaffected, poor, unemployed, frustrated, youth...yeah, good EXCUSE. Perhaps American youth should try this and see what happens...Poverty, unemployment, anger, frustration are NOT good enough excuses for burning the cities where YOU live or for KILLING.}

Even with the PROOF staring western elitist in the face since Paris started burning, they STILL INSIST "on seeing Islam through Condi-colored glasses. No amount of suicide bombing, anti-Semitic agitation, rampant misogyny {woman-hating}, persecution of Christians or slaughter of innocents is allowed to penetrate this mindset."

"The fact of the matter is that violent jihad warfare against non-Muslims is at the heart of Islamic theology. And it is the mother of all politically correct myths to believe otherwise."

15th century Arab historian and philosopher Ibn Khaldun wrote:
"holy war is a religious convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or force."

Ayatollah Khomeni: "If one allows the infidels to continue playing their role of corrupters on earth, their eventual moral punishment will be all the stronger. Thus, if we kill the infidels in order to put a stop to their activities, we have indeed done them a kill them is a surgical operation commanded by Allah the Creator...Those who follow the rules of the Koran are aware that we have to apply the laws of retribution and that we have to kill....War is a blessing for the world and for every nation. It is Allah himself who commands men to wage war and to kill. The Koran commands: 'Wage war until all corruption and all disobedience are wiped out!' "

Sheikh Saeed Sha'ban leader of Sunni majority in Tripoli, Lebanon in 1994 : "We must reject democracy in favor of Islam, which is the unique political system worked out by the Almighty...Our march has just begun and Islam will end up conquering Europe and America....For Islam is the only salvation left for this world in despair."

{Don't waste your time trying to convince ME this is a religion of peace; that this "religion's" intentions are NOT world domination; that we are NOT in a modern day CRUSADE for our VERY WAY OF LIFE! They are NOT a religion of peace; world domination IS their goal; and we ARE in a modern day CRUSADE. If you haven't THANKED A SOLDIER TODAY [Veteran's Day] FOR THEIR COMMITMENT TO YOUR FREEDOM~~SHAME ON YOU.}

"Joseph Schacht, in his book An Introduction to Islamic Law, notes: 'The basis of the Islamic attitude towards unbelievers is the law of war; they must either be converted {NEVER} or subjugated {imprisoned} or killed.' There's your Islamic definition of peace -- bow or die!" {No more agnostic or atheists either~~no, you will NOT have the choice. Women's Liberation~~don't make me laugh. This is not a concept they understand~~the equality of the sexes. No, this is not a religion with choices.}

"Islamic doctrine teaches that lying is perfectly acceptable for jihads warring against unbelievers. Qur'an 3:28 reads: 'Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers. If any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah; except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them.' In other words, the text prohibits Muslims from making friends with non-Muslims unless it's for the purpose of 'guarding yourselves from them.' Which is to say, it's permissible for Muslims to pretend they are the friends of non-believers, if it's so Islam may eventually reign over them." {To conquer your enemy, KNOW your enemy...}

"No! Islam is neither a religion characteristic of peace or love. It is, in fact, a false religion. It makes a show of righteousness, but it is wicked to the core." {Interestingly, this may be where the anti-christ and the one world religion arises from in the book of Revelation. Which rather makes sense~~Islam is the exact opposite of Christianity; the anti-christ is the exact opposite of Jesus Christ. Jesus's lineage comes through David through Abraham; Ishmael's lineage comes through the bastardization of Abraham's lineage.}

"Alexis de Tocqueville once said of Islam: 'I studied the Q'uran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad .... Its social and political tendencies are in my opinion more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress ....'

Obviously, de Tocqueville didn't see Islam through 'Condi-colored glasses.' And neither should we!"

I'm beginning to wonder if Condi isn't Muslim herself. Really, what do we KNOW about this woman.

For years I have heard the rumors that Americans do NOT elect the president~~it is a cabal of high-power men who do so according to the conspiracy theorists. Now think, with Bush in his last term and another election looming ~~who will run?

What IF it is Hilary Clinton vs. Condaleeza Rice? Who would you vote for? Radical liberal vs. an unidentified Islamic Muslim......

WHICH ONE is the lesser evil?

from Agape Press
by Bill Fancher

"...A high-profile Democratic senator from Vermont has used a Senate hearing on terrorism to attack American Christians. {Is this really a surprise?}

Senate Judiciary Committee member Patrick Leahy called remarks by Christian leaders offensive as terrorist jihad propaganda. {Is is just me~~or do we have colossally stupid people elected to our Congress? Propaganda? 9-11 was a heck of an example of NON-proganda then. 65 years ago being attacked [Pearl Harbor] was called a DECLARATION OF WAR. WHEN DID WE START SENDING SUCH PACIFIST WIMPS TO REPRESENT US?}

As an example, Leahy quoted Franklin Graham's post-9/11 remarks that 'We're not attacking Islam, but Islam has attacked us' and the religious leader's comment that he believes 'Islam is a very evil and wicked religion.' {They are. They are the antithesis of Christianity.}

Of Graham's statements, Leahy remarked, 'Now that is extremely offensive.' {Yet, THEY do not hesitate to offend Christians and their beliefs everyday.}

And the senator did not stop with Graham but also noted that 'The Reverend Jerry Falwell called the prophet Muhammad a terrorist' {see Alexis de Tocqueville's quote above! He lived ©1805-1859 and recognized the threat} and 'The Reverend Pat Robertson has likened those who practice Islam, including a very large number of very loyal Americans, as our enemy.' {I guess Leahy and his ilk won't believe it until they are either CONVERTED, SUBJUGATED OR DEAD!}

Leahy equated these Christian leaders' comments with those of terrorists, saying, 'Just as a majority of Christians or Jews {Really? Most Israeli's are too busy FIGHTING FOR THEIR VERY LIVES; THEIR RIGHT TO EXIST; BECAUSE ISLAM PLANS TO "WIPE THEM OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH." Oh yeah, good example of their "peaceful religion" and it is NOT just the extremists. Think about it~~if their religion is the opposite of God and Jesus' then Christianity would have to be destroyed as well as Judiasm~~because that is what satan does: mimic, lie, and destroy.} reject these statements, a majority of Muslims reject the publications [and] broadcasts we have discussed here."

{Like I stated before, this man and his kind are ignorant, uninformed [stating Jews don't recognize the danger of Islam], and just colossally stupid. He sure does not represent me. Does he represent you? Should he?}

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Monday, November 07, 2005

President Mahmoud Abbas~~A WOLF in sheep's clothes

from World Net Daily

President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party today expressed solidarity with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's remarks to "wipe Israel off the map".

"We express our full support and solidarity with the Iranian President in which he frankly called to erase Israel from the map of the world. We support the Iranian President's position vis-à-vis this illusion that is the state of Israel and we say that with the help of Allah this illusion will disappear."

...stated a pamphlet distributed in Gaza yesterday by the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and obtained by WorldNetDaily.

Muslims are adept at LYING:

A cease-fire was signed Feb. 8 between Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Since that agreement, three suicide bombings and hundreds of shooting attacks have been carried out, and Palestinian terror groups fired over 300 rockets and mortars at Jewish communities in and near the Gaza Strip, killing four and injuring dozens. After most attacks, the terror groups reiterated their commitment to the February cease fire.

from World Net Daily: Palestinian cleric 'God bless Osama'

"The Palestinian cleric from one of the most popular mosques in the Gaza Strip this weekend asked his congregation to pray for al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden and his deputy Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, explaining the global terror leaders share the Palestinian goals of destroying Israel and ending 'American world domination.' "

Still can't see the "threat" America? Secretary of State Rice?

Ask France about the threat. They have just witnessed the "Big" picture......

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Friday, November 04, 2005

Iran Leader Calls for Israel's Destruction

from Yahoo News

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared Wednesday that Israel is a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the map" — fiery words that Washington said underscores its concern over Iran's nuclear program.

"Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury..."

Ahmadinejad said: "there is no doubt that the new wave in Palestine will soon wipe off this disgraceful blot from the face of the Islamic world."

Ahmadinejad is returning Iran to the revolutionary goals it was pursuing in the 1980s.

"...the problem with these extremists is that they followed through on their violent declarations with violent actions."

Still THINK this is a religion of PEACE? Wake up and smell the nuclear sizzle WORLD!

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Politically Correct Muslims

from Agape Press
by Bill Fancher

...A national security expert says Muslims are using politically correct ideas of religious freedom to put the United States in jeopardy. America has as many as six million Muslims living within its borders and its total number of mosques has risen dramatically, jumping from 962 in 1994 to more than 1,200 in the year 2000. Frank Gaffney of the
Center for Security Policy says many of these mosques are preaching jihad under the guise of religious freedom. "We have to get beyond these blinders, these politically correct misperceptions if we are to fight this enemy and prevail," he asserts. Gaffney says it is time to take a hard look at what is going on in many of these mosques.

from Agape Press
by Jenni Parker

...Last week the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in Eklund v. Byron Union School District, a case in which several parents and children represented by the Thomas More Law Center challenged the school district's practice of teaching 12-year-old students to "become Muslims." The Law Center contends the actions of the school in question crossed a constitutional line to begin indoctrinating students, impermissibly placing them in the position of being trainees in Islam. For three weeks, the students were placed in Islamic city groups, took Islamic names, wore identification tags that displayed their new Islamic name along with the Muslim star and crescent moon symbols. As part of the exercise, the children received materials instructing them to "Remember Allah always," completed the "Five Pillars" of Islamic faith, and also memorized and recited the basmala, an Islamic phrase from the Koran, which they also wrote out on banners to be hung in the classroom. A federal district court judge in San Francisco had previously determined that the school district had not violated the Constitution of the United States with these activities. But according to Thomas More Law Center chief counsel Richard Thompson, "There is a double standard at play in this case. If the students had done similar activities in a class on Christianity, a constitutional violation would surely have been found." If the district's practice is upheld on appeal, Thompson says all public schools should begin teaching classes on Christianity in the same manner as the Islam class was taught in this case.

by Bill Fancher
...Middle East expert and political communications consultant Don Feder says recent attacks by Palestinian terrorists on Israeli citizens are just the latest pieces of evidence that the Land-for-Peace deal pushed by the Bush administration is pointless and that the Israeli pullout of Gaza and parts of the West Bank has had no positive impact on peace efforts. {I'm sorry, if Bush and had asked ANY evangelical Christian, we could have told him.....this is one of those, "well, DUH" moments.} According to Feder, placating thugs will never work. "Ultimately the Palestinians don't want Gaza," he says. "They don't want Ramala. They want Jerusalem; they want Tel Aviv; they want Haifa. Nothing else is going to satisfy them." Innocent blood will continue to be spilled in Israel, Feder insists, because Palestinian leaders like recent White House guest Mahmoud Abbas cannot control the terrorists. {From now on, when you read Mahmoud Abbas include Wolf in Sheep's clothing.....}

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The Jihadists' culture of death

from IFCJ
by Gary Bauer

Quotes from the article will enclosed in " ". My comments will not be.

"Last week, a Palestinian homicide bomber killed five Israelis and wounded more than 30 in a marketplace in the Israeli city of Hadera. The bomber, Hassam Abu Zeid...was a member of Islamic Jihad, one of the most vicious terrorist groups in the Middle East."

No surprise here surely.....

"The mainstream media...completely ignored what happened later in the terrorist’s home town... More than 3,000 residents congratulate his family on the “success” of the attack."

I suppose he 'earned' his 72 virgins...has anyone else thought this could be those 72 virgins version of HELL?

"...Abu Zeid’s mother expressed great joy that her son had intentionally killed and wounded over 30 civilians."

Boy, that's a good mother for you~~go out and commit suicide son and be sure to kill Jews when you do this. Sounds like child abuse to me. Why aren't international organizations (the UNITED NATIONS) SCREAMING about this child abuse? Could it be they hate Jews more? Hypocrites.

"This celebration of terrorism is the natural outcome of a culture of death in the Palestinian territories. Generations of Palestinians have been taught that nothing in life compares to the crowning achievement of killing Jews. That culture of death persists in spite of the Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’ claim that he wants peace."

I still say Mahmoud Abbas is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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