
Islam, they do have an agenda

Quotations. By their own words, they condemn their religion as intolerant, un-loving and bigoted. The world needs to prepare for the "new crusades"~~Islam's goal IS world DOMINATION.

Location: United States

Favorite composer: Debussy; Favorite artist: Monet; Favorite old author: Charles Dickens

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Muslim Mobs = peace?

Some History:

The purpose of the Crusades has been attacked in history in recent decades; but when you study the crusades, it becomes apparent that these Christian men were fighting for their very way of life. The Crusaders were NOT the aggressors. Islam was the aggressor at that time; and it is the aggressor today.

This we studied in school BEFORE the history revisionists rewrote history. Yes, I am old enough to remember studying the Crusades before history was rewritten. And I have seen what the revisionists have tried to teach my child.

Islam is NOT a peaceful religion. They do NOT tolerate differing opinions. If they are successful in their goal of world dominion, you WILL worship allah. You will NOT have the freedom to say no. You will NOT be allowed to be an athiest or agnostic; or Catholic, or Protestant.

Be critical of Christian religions--hey, we can take it. But also be aware that Christian religions do NOT force you to join. They do NOT silence their opponents. While we do witness, we do NOT force you to pray with us, to attend church with us, etc.

Islam will not afford you that courtesy.

conservative by nature's comments in the below article are enclosed in [ ]:

While the West bends over backwards to sugarcoat Islam as a religion of peace [westerners, you better WAKE UP and study this enemy of the west] , it was in obedience to that quest for religious dominance that Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar entered the desecrated synagogue of the former Gaza Jewish community of Kfar Darom on September 12.

Four of the nearly two dozen synagogues Israel left standing in Gaza were burned by Palestinian mobs earlier in the day, and at least one was bulldozed by the Palestinian Authority.

Zahar proceeded to lead a Muslim prayer service, thanking Allah for Islam's victory over the Jews of Gaza. [Should have thanked the United States who helped 'architect' this withdrawal.]

"Our resistance has succeeded in ending the Jews' presence here", Zahar was quoted as saying by The Washington Post.

National Religious Party MK (Knesset Member) Gila Finkelstein noted that more than desiring their own state, the Palestinian Muslims "want to destroy every Jewish trace" from this biblical land.

"The burning of synagogues by Arab rioters proves again that this is a religious war, based on a hatred for Judaism, and not merely political hostility," leading rabbis from Judea and Samaria said in an official statement.

Many in Israel, meanwhile, said the scenes of Muslim intolerance and unbridled desecration from Gaza proved the Judeo-Christian world was embroiled in a religious battle with Islam.

[And it is just beginning to heat up.....]

Read this information for yourself in its entirety here: Bridges for Peace in
(Original posting By Ryan Jones, Jerusalem Newswire, Jerusalem News Wire, September 13, 2005)

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