
Islam, they do have an agenda

Quotations. By their own words, they condemn their religion as intolerant, un-loving and bigoted. The world needs to prepare for the "new crusades"~~Islam's goal IS world DOMINATION.

Location: United States

Favorite composer: Debussy; Favorite artist: Monet; Favorite old author: Charles Dickens

Monday, September 26, 2005

Our Government's Ignorance in regards to Islam

Recently a friend emailed me the following letter they had received from one of their Senator's:

>>>"Thank you for contacting me regarding relations between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples. I welcome your thoughts and comments on this issue.

It is critical to end the cycle of violence in the Middle East and to institute a plan to bring peace to the region. Before there can be any productive steps taken toward a peaceful end, violence between the Israelis and Palestinians must cease. The passing of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has presented a new opportunity, and in an election held on December 26, 2004, the Palestinian people chose former Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas as president. Mr. Abbas was sworn into office on January 15, 2005. I am encouraged by signs from both sides that a sincere effort to seek peace is a priority. The United States must continue to do all it can to bring the sides together, and your suggestions are valued.

I appreciate hearing from you and hope you will not hesitate to keep in touch on any issue of concern to you."

This is what my friend wrote back and then sent not only to this Senator, but the other Senator of that state, the House of Representatives' member for that congressional seat; to our Department of State's Condoleezza Rice; and of course, President Bush and Vice-President Cheney! (No Fear ~~ this one....)

I KNEW this was how my own government was thinking. This actually frightens me. Mr. Abbas is cut from the same cloth or wool or whatever aphorism you wish to employ. He is telling you all what you want to hear.

It does not matter that Yasser Arafat has finally died. It won't matter if Ossama Bin Laden finally dies. It hasn't mattered that Saddam Hussein is out of power. What the "west" is failing to understand is that we are not fighting against some charismatic leader. That once he is dead or deposed, we will see a settling of the hatreds.

NO. We are fighting against an ideology that everyone in Washington FAILS to understand. There is NEVER going to be peace in the Middle East brought about by any nation, president, congressman/woman, or diplomat. It is an ideology that has 2 goals: the complete subjugation of the world~~their goal is for everyone to bow down to Allah~~ and to completely destroy the Jews and Israel.

So giving any credence to Mr. Abbas is folly. In all probability he was elected to "fool" the west into thinking that Islam is still a "religion of peace." This is why history revisionists are dangerous. As a child I was taught about the crusades. The goal of Islam during that time period was: WORLD DOMINATION. Exactly what has changed over the centuries? NOTHING.

It is time to destroy our nation's ignorance concerning Islam. It is time to educate ourselves. Otherwise, what ARE we doing in Iraq if not to help those people OVERCOME AN OPPRESSIVE RELIGION PERFORMING AS A GOVERNMENT? If Iraq is a threat to our national security, then to view any Middle Eastern country as less, is a mistake. Because they all have the SAME IDEALOGY and it is dangerous to our own form of government.

In fact, if they are successful~~what makes you think any of you in Washington would stay in power? Nope, you all would be the first to be destroyed because of what you represent.

There is no reason for this ignorance to continue to prevail in this country. There are too many good sources of information to consult. If nothing else, the people elected to the federal government need to at least read Islam’s own words. Because their Koran, no matter how you spell it, demands a jihad against ALL nations not worshipping Allah. It is NOT a religion of PEACE.



Ok, America. Let' WAKE UP!

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